
Civil War Timeline Essay

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U.S. History Timeline Project Civil War (1861-1865) President Lincoln was the leader of this time during the war between the union and confederates. The Civil war divided America in two parts, the south and north. Lincoln’s main objectives during this time was freeing the slaves in America and winning the war. He led the nation until his assassination in 1865. You could relate this event to the black rights movement because both ended in giving blacks freedom at the cost of death This war started because there was uncompromising between the slave and free states. “The day that the balance between the two sections of the country - the slaveholding States and the non-slaveholding States - is destroyed is a day that will not be far removed from political revolution, …show more content… September 11, 2001 (2001) During the date September 11th, 2001 America suffered a tragedy that had not been seen in some time. Muslim extremists took ahold of 4 commercial planes and made them the weapons for their terrorism. They had 2 planes barricade into the World Trade Center buildings, one plane crash into the pentagon and the last plane was taken down and crashed into a crop field. This day brought out new heros and bravery but also brought an immense amount of death. Thousands of people were killed and their families paid the price, never seeing them again. "You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy." - Colin Powell This event can be connected to the Boston marathon bombing because both were horrible acts and brought death. A hero from this day was Thomas Phelan who helped evacuate many, many people.

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