
Clackamas Town Center Descriptive Essay

Decent Essays

Bus Line 33 to Clackamas Town Center. Departure: 4:41pm My shoes are sodden once again. They can’t be heard over the rain that paints the sidewalk black but I can feel every water molecule clinging to my toes. I should know by now, after five years of living in Portland, that rain is a given yet here I am: frozen, hungry, anxious, waiting in the dark for a bus. I used to live in a town where everything was eight minutes away from my house. There was no need for public transportation because my entire universe was encompassed by a nine-block radius. Sure, there were the annual trips to see Grandma and Grandpa in the oh-so-distant land called Idaho but I was a passenger. I didn’t need to know where I was going to reach my destination. …show more content…

The door opens with a characteristic pssshhhhhhhh and a gust of warm air greets me. (Thank goodness.) I smile at the driver. I take a window seat and burrow into my coat as far as possible. Now a veteran of line 33 with the luxury of people watching, I recognize my companions. There’s the creepy nurse who always sits directly behind the driver, the woman never seen without her Russian novel, the group of skaters whose conversation always amuses and bemuses. The advent of teenagerdom and the move to Portland, Oregon at the age of 13 forced independence upon me. During my first few trips I was too anxious about missing my stop to look out the window or observe my fellow passengers. I’d stare at the little red letters crawling across the electronic sign at the front of the bus and mentally check off each stop until it was time to disembark. “SE Harrison & Hwy

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