
Class Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

When it came to picking classes, for the most part I just looked to see what goal areas I needed to cover for my generals and found a class under the goal areas that sounded, somewhat interesting to me. After narrowing it down to a few classes under each goal area this class, for me in particular sounded not only the most interesting but, it sounded like a good class to take for my future occupation of wanting to become a Social Worker. Coming into this course I did not know what to expect and have never taken a class like it before so I was excited to see what it was all about. I had the basic knowledge that we learned throughout High School about unequal rights, slavery and how some slaves became free through the underground railroad but never in full depth like I wish it would have been. I learned so many …show more content…

I am so glad I got the privilege to go to as many of the events as my schedule would allow me too. Each event gave me a little more information that I did not know previously which made it so much better to listen to the new information. I think personally I would of attended these events even if the extra credit was not there because if you are really interested in something why not do all you can to improve your knowledge on a subject.
For this course I believe I deserve an A. My reasoning being, I never misses a single class even though we got some freebies I was always in my spot on time ready to learn. I wrote every reaction paper to my best ability, although my test scores were not outstanding I did put the work in outside of class when it came to reading and making flashcards to memorize key dates or people. I also went to the diversity events for extra credit and wrote the reaction papers on those events also. I believe that I put in all the work I could have for this course to do my best and that is why I believe I deserve an

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