
AP Class Reflective Essay

Decent Essays

I was standing again; my friend shook her head at me. I didn’t care. I was in the back and the teacher didn’t mind. I sat all day and for now I would stand with excitement and worry making my mouth dry and my hands unable to stay still. Making me unable to stay still. The teacher walked down the row and handed me my test, I never understood the order he did things by or if there was an order. Didn’t matter, it just heightened the anticipation. I had my test back, and I took a little breath, reminding myself this wasn’t middle school anymore. I can’t get an A on everything, especially an AP class and that as long as it was a passing grade that would be good. 9 right. My mouth pulled up in an instinctive frown before I remind myself how good that was in this class. How incredibly …show more content…

Barely above half. My friend smiled, “I beat you.” It was a common game for us to play, who ever had the most right won. I liked the game, it was actually difficult, an achievement. I frowned at her, how many did she have? I made a smile on my face and told her what I got. Her sigh was all I needed to hear. Then she shrugged and said, “Well, it doesn’t really matter, you just guess.” I stilled with an angry wave of indignation, I did not just guess. Perhaps…perhaps it appeared as such. I did not take many notes or read each page and document like her but I did have to work to be were I was. Why did people always forget that? Smart. It’s because I’m smart. I never thought a word could be so bland and tasteless in my mouth as that one. It’s supposed to be a compliment you know, telling a person how smart they are. For me? It is just the same, ancient statement, you’re so smart, you’re so lucky, and you know so much. It must be so nice to just be smart. I always tell them its nice. It is so very nice being expected to just know and to just do perfect and never stumble

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