
Classical Greek And Classical Period

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The arts of the Classical Greek period have had a considerable influence on the culture throughout time and in different countries all over the world. During this time there were three periods; The Archaic period, the Classical period and the Hellenistic period. The Archaic period was in 650BC – 480BC, this period followed the Greek dark ages and it was the first time where Greek Classic Philosophy, Political theory especially the beginning of democracy and the beginning of what would be Greeks famous art and culture. As the ideas of democracy began people were able to express themselves and because of this art and culture began to flourish. The painting from the ancient Greek world that I have chosen was painted between the years of 500 – 480 BC, the Archaic/Classical period. In 530BC a new technique in Greek art was formed this was where paint brushes replaced the use of the chisel however these method were still use in Classical artwork as influences of the Archaic period followed through into the classical period. After the Persian war in 479BC Athens dominated Greece politically, economically, and culturally. This led to a confidence in the Greeks to love themselves which led them to worship the human body. This led to artwork where often the body was depicted as naked even if it was a sculpture of a warrior they would not clothe him in armour as they loved the naked body. The body was often drawn as perfect and not an ideal representation. The Classical time period

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