
Examples Of Classical Conditioning

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The example used in this paper goes back to when I was around seven or eight years old, and I ate some spoiled broccoli and cheese soup. I ended up getting food poisoning from the bad bacteria in the soup, and I was sick for two days. Ever since then, broccoli and cheese soup has made me feel nauseous.
I learned to feel nauseous when I ate broccoli and cheese soup through classical conditioning. It’s an example of classical conditioning because a connection was created between two stimuli, bacteria and broccoli and cheese soup, that resulted in a response, nausea, that was biologically out of my control (text, p. 254). Furthermore, operant conditioning involves an existing behavior being either encouraged or discouraged, and in this case, there was not a preexisting behavior (text, p. 263).
In classical conditioning, there are four critical elements: the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, and the conditioned response. The unconditioned stimulus (US) is a stimulus that causes a response before any conditioning, and an unconditioned response (UR) is the way something reacts to an unconditioned stimulus (text, p. 256). In my example, the US would be bad bacteria, and it resulted in the UR of nausea. A conditioned stimulus (CS) involves a neutral stimulus (NS), something that didn’t originally cause a reaction, becoming something that causes a conditioned response after a connection is made to the US (text, p. 256). In my example, the

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