
Classroom Management Plan

Decent Essays

Creating my future classroom for first graders I chose rules that were similar to the SMART classroom management. The rules that I will put in place will target only behavior issues, separating my expectations in the classroom separately. This will allow less confusion for young students, as well as keeping it clear and simple for students to understand the rules themselves. Rules for my class room will be listen and follow carefully the instructions of the day, raise your hand before you speak or leave your seat, shows respect to others, keep hand, feet, and objects to oneself. I want to motivate students to make good choices, for each consequence students break the will have to think about their bad choice they made and how they can do things differently to improve their behavior. Behavior continue I would have to talk to student privately advising them that bad choices are being made and if they continue this route the next level would be contacting parents for bad choices made during class time. Either by sending a note for parent to sign or by phone. …show more content…

The clip chart will include the levels of behavior which top being super student, second being awesome behavior, third being ready to learn, fourth being think about it, fifth being private talk with teacher, and six being parent contact. Students will start the day at ready to learn. For good choices teacher, will ask student to move their clip with their name to the level above and for every bad choice student will move down a level. The goal of my class room is to teach good behavior by letting student learn to make good choices. I will document all consequences using a binder for communication for students and parents. It will have a calendar that I will make students behavior of the

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