
Classroom Philosophies for Preparing for the Real World

Decent Essays

The primary goal of an educator is to prepare students for the “real world”. By implementing key concepts of Glasser’s Choice Theory and Fay & Funk’s Love and Logic theory, I believe this goal can become a reality in the classroom. When used together, these classroom management philosophies have the potential to benefit students in a variety of ways and engage them In learning. When utilized correctly, these strategies hold the promise of allowing teachers, like myself, to develop positive relationships with students while reducing behavior problems. They will allow for increased student motivation and engagement while allowing for a deepening of the learning that is occurring. Real world skills that should be incorporated into classroom instruction and learned by students include interpersonal skills and group problem solving. In a classroom that embraced these two theories, emphasis would not be on memorization but rather on critical thinking skills and problem-based learning. As in the real world, students in a classroom embracing these theories would be encouraged to seek help and help one another as necessary. They will have access to and utilize a variety of resources in order to demonstrate understanding. Implementation of these two philosophies of classroom management will allow teachers, including myself, to become “happier, empowered, and more skilled” in our interactions with students.
In order to implement components of Glasser’s choice theory

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