
Classroom Reflection

Decent Essays

This semester, I had the pleasure to serve more than 12 hours with Lacey Spring Elementary School in the Harrisonburg area. Lacey Spring placed me in a math and reading focused curriculum in which I got to work side by side with a third grade student named Josh. Josh was in Mrs. Lowe’s classroom. My first impression walking into the room was a sense of homeliness. Color, pattern, texture, and student work was prominently shown. Additionally, the school had excellent resources, such as laptops, that all students could utilize to further their learning. Furthermore, the actual physical layout of the classroom including desk placement, group tables, and the teacher’s desk spoke a lot about their type of classroom environment. Students, including Josh, were put into table groups, all facing each other. The tables were close enough together so interactive work could flourish if allowed between tables but just far enough to eliminate distraction. The desks had name tags which proudly showed the students name, favorite color, and fun fact. This helped to foster community between the students and help them connect and form friendships. Josh sat at a table in which everyone was friendly and helpful toward him. I could tell he was in a safe environment that did not hinder his learning. In fact, peer to peer help not only benefitted Josh, but also aided the students to better comprehend the information because they were helping to reiterate concepts to Josh. I believe

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