
Clc Goal Setting

Decent Essays

Hi Mr Grana,

It’s Vivian Pao, and on Monday morning, we briefly discussed the effectiveness of CLC and goal setting. I thought I’d send an email as an extension of that discussion and of the letter you received yesterday regarding Year 12 dissatisfaction.

Over the past few days, I took it upon myself to send out a really quick survey about the general opinion on CLC to act as evidence for the student body’s general discontent toward CLC. I only sent out the survey to the Year 12s, but if you want a more diverse voice, I am willing to edit the survey and sending it out to the entire school to gather an overall consensus on CLC.

To clarify, we definitely don’t want to undermine any decisions, intentions or policies that the school is instating. We very much appreciate the emphasis that the school puts on the needs of the students, and the efforts they go through to help, but we do feel strongly about how our CLCs are being used, as the comments in the survey …show more content…

We understand that occasionally these are necessary, as a Catholic school, but recently it has been overwhelming. In this aspect, most students believe that individual study time would benefit them– where instead of sitting idle watching an ineffective presentation, they could be preparing for an exam, finishing off an assignment, completing details of homework. Although ‘only’ an hour a week of school is being used for CLC, it is still time that students could potentially use as effective study. And while the resource of time is extremely important, what is more vital is the distribution of that time. For example, 30 minutes before an exam is much more valuable to a student than 30 minutes after an exam– any time that we are given during this HSC period, especially during school hours, is

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