
Climate Change Climate change, otherwise known as global warming, has grown more apparent in recent

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Climate Change
Climate change, otherwise known as global warming, has grown more apparent in recent years, with increased natural disasters, significantly warmer temperatures and unreasonably long seasons. Global warming is one of the main concerns that scientists have been researching for the past century. Scientific evidence shows that global warming is caused by human behaviors. Due to the amount of human-induced carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that have been released into the air, the earth is becoming a highly poisonous place to live on. Earth’s climate has been constantly changing ever since the Industrial Revolution, when innovations began and factories were built, which emitted mass air pollution. As more technological …show more content…

Although there are state regulations on hydraulic fracturing, there is a lack of federal regulation, which leads there to be an estimation of 400,000 fractured wells (Leahy 1) currently in the United States, with more to come. Along with the emission of methane, other potential hazards include blowouts, gas leaks, air pollutions, wastewater overflows, and home explosions (Ehrenberg 22). Hydraulic fracturing should be federally regulated in order to prevent the tremendous amounts of shale gases that cause global warming.
Another form of human-induced climate change that emits methane is the act of rice cultivation. Methane from rice production is most apparent in Asian countries. Rice requires a large amount of water to be manufactured, so they are usually grown in wetland soils. Rice is an organic carbon, and when organic substances decompose in wetland soils, the end result is methane and carbon dioxide (Neue 466). An agricultural research revealed that “up to 20 percent of global methane emissions come from flooded rice fields” (Weaver-Missick 22). That is quite a large quantity considering the size of Earth. However, it is unlikely for rice production to be halted, because rice is a major crop that is essential to many cultures. Therefore, it is vital to find a solution to produce rice without the harmful properties that it poses to

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