
Cloning Can Cause Conflicts?

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Cloning Can Cause Conflicts
Remember the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996? No? Dolly was the first cloned mammal and for many she symbolizes a slippery slope to a cloned human, which stimulated a discussion about the ethics and morality of human cloning. How far are scientists allowed to go, and who gives them that permission? How about the clone itself? Experiments on humans without their consent are forbidden, and cloning is exactly that. Human Cloning oversteps scientists’ boundaries and endangers one’s right to a distinctive genetic individuality; therefore, the cloning of human beings should be internationally forbidden.
Cloning may seem futuristic and nothing to worry about, but people research this topic since more than a hundred and fifty years. Allison Royal, author of The History of Cloning Humans and Animals, asserts the first actual cloning was conducted by Hans Driesch in 1885 (2). He cloned a sea urchin through a process called embryo twinning. About twenty years later, Hans Spemann cloned a salamander with the same process claims Cloning’s Historical Timeline (1). But the term clone was established after that, from Herbert Webber who defined a clone as “any group of cells or organisms produced asexually from a single sexuelly produced ancestor” (qtd. in Cloning’s Historical Timeline 1). Marie Di Berardino asserts in the 1950s, the modern-used cloning process of nuclear transfer got invented by Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King, who cloned an American Frog (4).

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