
Coach Carter

Satisfactory Essays


Coach Carter
(Based on a true story)

Submitted by: Pam McDonald
Phone: 208-387-5318
Audience Rating: PG 13 Released: 2005 Studio: Paramount Pictures Genre: Drama Runtime: 136 minutes

Materials: VCR or DVD (preferred), television or projection system, Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles handouts (single-sided), notepads, writing utensils

Objective: Students will identify Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles illustrated within Coach Carter and discuss leadership lessons learned with group members or mentors.

Basic Plot: “In 1999, Ken Carter, a successful sporting goods store owner, accepts the job of basketball coach for his …show more content…

Clip Facilitation Suggestion:

1. Review the Wildland Fire Leadership Value or Principle(s) targeted for discussion. (May be given or ask students to identify the value or principle being illustrated after viewing the clip.) 2. Show the clip. 3. Facilitate discussion regarding the clip and corresponding value and/or principle. 4. Break students into small discussion groups. 5. Have students discuss their findings and how they will apply leadership lessons learned to their role in wildland fire suppression. Facilitate discussion in groups that have difficulty. 6. Wrap up the session and encourage students to apply leadership lessons learned in their personal and work lives.

Possible Clip Usage:

The following clips may assist facilitators with leadership discussions. All times are approximate.

8:45 – 15:17 Coach Carter introduces himself to the team and expresses his intent and expectations to the team.

20:12 – 21:47 Coach Carter holds a contract meeting with players and parents.

32:42 – 36:11 Timo wants back on the team. “What do I have to do. . .?” Coach Carter gives what seems to be an impossible task. “What is your deepest fear? Inadequate?”

40:55 – 43:23 Timo fails to perform the required drills to get back on the team. The team members step up and do the

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