1. The concept for my final project is to illustrate the diversity of trash people discard on the beach. Ultimately, the goal will be to motivate people to not litter and draw emphasis to the need to take adequate care of our ocean. I was struck with inspiration of this idea one afternoon while I was meditating after running down Cocoa Beach. During my runs, I would repeatedly feel distressed by the amount of garbage I observed the public leave behind and later on be swept out into the ocean by high tide. I had a vigorous desire to do whatever was in my power to help alleviate this environmental issue. While meditating, the sound of the waves crashing and the sensation of sand beneath my body, the idea for this concept manifested in my mind. …show more content…
My plan was that I will stroll multiple times on the coastline and pick up trash as I go while wearing a shirt with bold letters on both sides states, “Love The Ocean, Don’t Leave Trash.” This performance aspect of the piece aspirates to encourage the people I will run pass to think twice about leaving trash behind. At the end of each run I will photograph the trash on the sand before properly disposing of it. Then, I will use the collection of photographs to generate a painting. I felt compelled to do this project because the two things I am most passionate about in life are art and nature. This idea encompasses both of my passions. I believe that when people observe the painting they will recognize many of the items within the trash and be more mindful in the future about what they leave behind on the beach and how it affects the sea
Marine debris is more than ugly, it kills. There are two proposed plans to cleanup the North Pacific Garbage Island. An island that is made of garbage, primarily plastic. It is over 100 kilometers wide. That is an unbelievable amount of trash. That trash island is floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and California. It has been spun together over time by currents, and the atmospheric pressure in the middle of the ocean is stronger than average. The island’s plastic has melted together, creating a bed of plastic for the rest of the trash to lie on. A a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Obviously if there are more beach goers, then the chances of pollution actually occurring increase dramatically. Land pollution within close proximity to marine and coastal environments is a very destructive action that calamitously affects and holistically degrades the natural beauty of the biome. However despite the gradual destruction of the coastal environments due to pollution, the Sutherland shire has taken responsibility and implemented signage, which is present amongst the entire shore of Cronulla and also situated bins within frequent distance of each other, to assure that litter is disposed of correctly. The recurrent signs on different points of beach are an advantageous strategy to prevent pollution, as they essentially provide awareness to tourists and residents, regarding how and where to dispose rubbish. The bins along the shore of the beach complement the aim of the signage, as they prompt individuals to place their rubbish in them, rather than on the ground, which can subsequently result in the harm of the coast. In spite of these strategies’ benefits, they both share the common drawback of visual inelegancy. Accompanying this detraction from the beaches’ natural aspect, both the bins and signs are generally disregarded by certain individuals, which explanatorily causes them in ignoring the directives
In the story, “Our Oceans Are Turning into Plastic… Are We?” by Susan Casey, Captain Charles Moore experiences what can be described as a living nightmare. In the Northern Pacific subtropical gyre, known as the Eastern Garbage Patch, Captain Moore sees the piles and piles of used, bottles, nets, ropes, bath toys, jugs, and traps, all creating a layer of “plastic crap” above the ocean’s surface, staying completely still in a windless current less body of water. The experience of seeing what you care about be completely changed because of pollution or simple human neglect. Personally, I have an instance of this in the first house that I remember living in. What was once a house that had a lot of connections from not only me, but others in the
Hey dont we all love walking on the beach and swimming, well if you do then you have to STOP throwing your trash go and find a trash can or a recycling
People are constantly throwing trash outside their window when they are driving down the street or throwing trash on the ground when they are walking. As minor as littering is, there are long term effects. Trash that ends up in the storm drains, eventually make it’s way into the ocean. Once the trash is in the ocean, it can eventually make its way into a whales blowhole, or can be consumed by an animal; which could harm them. Also, trash that makes it’s way into lakes and oceans is very difficult to remove. If you cannot remove the trash, how are you going to prevent these animals from getting
This summer, I received an invitation to stay at my friend’s house on the Rappahannock River. During my stay, we spent the majority of our time outdoors amongst the nature and wildlife. Upon our arrival, we dropped everything and grabbed the canoes. As we set off, I looked at my surroundings. While the water was calm, peaceful, and a comforting shade of dark blue, something else grabbed my attention: the litter. Near the docks, I could not help but notice the bright yellow Lay’s potato chip bag and the six pack rings from someone’s soda. Seeing the trash just floating in the water frustrated me. Here I was in this gorgeous environment, and my eyes cannot stray from a potato chip bag! As I floated away, there was little I could do. However,
When people think about a museum most of them think about walking around starring at paintings they don’t understand and reading the little cards with their description. After a while they get tired of walking around long hallways and finally decide to leave. On the other hand, the Gallery One at the Cleveland Museum of Arts is more than just a museum, it’s a fun and innovative environment that how Alexander explained, “… the intention of Gallery One was to transform visitors into participants, rather than passive observers.” (2014). When people get their hands on the action they are most likely to have fun, learn, and build experience.
The two works of art that I have chosen to analyze are 1) Jordan Casteel. Miles and JoJo. 2014. Oil on canvas, 54” x 72” and 2) Aaron Fowler. He Was. 2015. Mixed media, 134” x 165” x 108”. The themes that these works of art represent in regards to the exhibit are love, family, and pain. However, they also fall into other thematic categories. The main theme that seems to apply to both “Miles and JoJo” and “He Was” is Human Experience. Additionally, these arts differ in some ways.
The visual image of trash over-polluting the ocean suggests that without proper care and consideration of our ecosystem, pollution can potentially become life threatening. The over-pollution of the area adjacent to the iceberg represents that man-made products are causing the pollution while the iceberg signifies the pure nature of the earth. The unrealistic trash “iceberg” is not proportional in size compared to the adjacent natural iceberg. The trash is instead portrayed larger than the iceberg; this metaphor suggests that the more the community pollutes, the faster the deterioration of the ecosystem will proceed. The polluted iceberg grows in size while the true iceberg withers away. As one increase, the other must decrease. Not only is size an important factor, but the color of both the intended objects portray a great deal of importance. The water bottles making up the pollution are displayed as darker than the true natural ice berg. The true natural iceberg is portrayed lighter or white. The white iceberg possibly signifies clarity, cleanliness, and/or purity while the dark iceberg, on contrast, signifies dirtiness and filth. The composition of both the objects in one picture is used to support the central subject of pollution as well. The natural iceberg is positioned farther in the background and far from the viewer possibly to symbols how untouched people are with real world problems or nature. The polluted iceberg is positioned in the foreground
In the documentary “Inside the Garbage of the World”, the main social problem being explained is that there has been a great influx of plastic and other type of garbage in oceans and their beaches. This buildup of pollution has largely affected the wildlife population ranging from animals on the beaches to the creatures of the ocean. In oceans, what is called ‘garbage patches’, a large buildup of garbage that flow to one area in the oceans, are being created. Approximately 50 percent of all plastic sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor but about 2 times that much is actually already on the ocean floor. In fact, according to the documentary, there is a garbage patch that is to the left of California that is the size of half of the United States. Each year, about 4.7 million tons of plastic goes in the ocean a year and it is estimated that by 2050, there will be another 33 billion tons of plastic added to the present amount. Eighty percent of the current pollution comes from the land. According to marine researchers, twice as much plastic debris is one the ocean floor than it was 10 years ago. In the futures, plastic will break down into smaller pieces of plastic, creating a bigger problem from the habitat. This plastic pollution is one of the leading cause for beach and ocean inhabiting creatures be extinct because animals are mistaking these plastic pieces for food. When scientist began to dissect beach animals such as birds, they discovered that at least fifteen pounds of
Have you ever thought about what your community would look like without litter? If so, it may take a while to find out. One person throwing something on the ground may not think much of it, however, when that trash finds other trash, they begin to build up and make big piles of junk. For example, I am sure people never thought that if they littered, their trash would end up in the pacific garbage patch. Believe it or not, no one thinks that until you look at the pacific garbage patch and see how disgusting it looks just because people were to lazy to throw their trash away. To make matters worse, littering has become very common, which should be stopped because in most cases, trash is not disposed of properly,
I decided to choose coastlines as my theme because I haven’t properly studied it before; I’ve looked at nature and animals, but not the coast. I also love all the surface textures that can be found on the coast, they are all rough and worn away. Close up pictures are my interest and the coastline has so many amazing textures which I find are important to capture in a painting or piece of artwork. Colour is an important thing to consider when looking at each chosen subject, every colour matters in a painting, it helps create a mood and an atmosphere, it gives life to a painting. I want people to look at my work and feel something, for it to provoke a strong emotion whether it is moody or happy, calm or angry, I want my work to create a lasting
I believe that art can produce a strong message and spread information & opinions universally. I am fairly passionate when it comes to things that are important, and the environment is one thing that I’ve always been passionate about; however this course has made me take action and spread awareness to my circle of friends & family. Two things I believe that young adults (and anyone really) can do to really change the perspectives of other people and the world. In terms of the actual painting itself, I used a piece of plywood I found lying around the house and used acrylic paint. I went with a geometric styled iceberg with monochromatic tones to help highlight the little niches in the iceberg. Since the beginning of this project, I have always known I wanted to do a creative component, however it took a long way to actually create this painting. I started off thinking I could pull off a 3-minute stop motion animation, and truthfully it would have taken me three months to actually create something I was proud of, so that idea was off the table. My next option was a t-shirt design, I created a design in reference to deforestation; however, it was too simplistic and didn’t convey the message very good. Finally, I ended up at my third and last option, a painting. Which took a short time to come up with the idea, sketch up a drawing of the piece and execute it on the final piece of
Perhaps the most well known problem is that of plastic pollution, as it is very visible in the daily lives of many citizens all over the globe. In North Philadelphia surrounding Temple’s campus is a constant barrage of empty bottles, plastic bags, discarded wrappers. This is not a unique problem to a single area, rather it haunts the entire globe. Once this litter finds its way to a water source such as the Delaware of Schuylkill rivers there is very little to stop it from traveling downstream and out into the Atlantic. The destruction of wetlands, the natural barriers of land and sea, a sort of plastic highway has been created to enter the oceanic ecosystem. Callum Roberts explains that “…what has shocked the world into taking plastic more seriously are the great ocean garbage patches circling endlessly on voyages without destinations…unless we do something, these places will continue to suck in trash like oceanic black holes. The trash piles heaped up at the end of the day are horrific testaments to how messy we are” (Roberts 266-7). The proposed installation will call attention to the waste littered around campus as the netting could potentially pick up the floating debris that is often seen caught in
The performing arts give and enhance many traits in a person’s life. Students involved in theater prepares students for later-in-life experiences. Participation also makes people feel a certain belonging to society. Students learn new skills: increased intelligence, and the ability to connect and read others’ emotions. Participation in the performing arts gives people experience, the feeling of belonging, and new skills.