
Code Of Conduct : A Company Has A Future Because It Provides An Important Means Of Knowledge Generation

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A company has a future because it provides an important means of knowledge generation. According to Brown and Duguid (1998), it plays an important role in the development and circulation of complex knowledge in society. Grant (1996) introduces four mechanisms for integrating specialized knowledge as above: • Rules and directives • Sequencing. • Routines. • Group problem solving and decision making. The report by Kingfisher (2006) states that B&Q sets out its code of conduct as the minimum standards for ethical business practice. The code of conduct applies to all companies controlled by Kingfisher plc which is B&Q’s parent company. That means all the suppliers of B&Q would need to meet the code of conduct through its supply chains. These codes provides practical advice about how the suppliers to meet the labour and basic environmental standards. It defines that all suppliers of Kingfisher must achieve in their factories or worksites in theirs joint supply chain. All its suppliers must be committed to (Kingfisher, 2013): • Giving Kingfisher visibility of its joint supply chain • Complying with Critical Failure Points on all factories • Working towards meeting these Kingfisher standards in their factories Furthermore each operating office is required to develop a strategy and action plans to support the suppliers’ performance for continuous improvement and more important is that to bring the suppliers and theirs supply chain into line with the entire code. The codes of

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