
Code Of Ethics And Ethics

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Fongos Computer Solution (FCS)
Code of Ethics
A code of ethics is a business document outlining professional standards expected of all company employees and representatives. Although it may address internal conduct, it primarily centers on what is expected of workers when engaged in customer-centric activities. It creates standards by which business representatives are held accountable.
In the business arena, it is significant to implement standards and procedures that management and workers are expected to follow. These standards and procedures are referred to as a business code of ethics and conduct. The business code of ethics and conduct for exact professions, such as IT fields.
Internal Focus
A code of ethics addresses some …show more content…

A code of ethics helps myself to take the code of ethics seriously and gain the trust of employees. Any business owner know that people will be protected in any situation. As long as everyone works and behaves in an ethical manner, production can run more smoothly, whether that be production of a tangible product or production of the services and ideals of an altruistic non-profit.
Responsibility is one of the main code of ethics for myself. When individuals take responsibility for their actions, all people benefits. Responsibility is accountability, honesty, and holding myself accountable promotes these good attitude traits in others who see them. This supports to create a cohesive and productive work force, which has numerous of its own benefits, not the least of which is longer employee retention. It is significant to continue to work for a company that follows and promotes rules that defend and benefit everyone equally.
Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)
A company policy consists of rules and guidelines for employees to follow. There might be several policies, such as acceptable use policies (AUPs) for computer use and information security, corporate governance policies and customer support policies. Without effective enforcement, a company could be vulnerable to security breaches, loss of customers and possibly legal action. The human resources

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