
Cognitive Dissonance In Social Psychology

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Thoughts Out of Tune is a social psychology experiment which explores the idea of cognitive dissonance. This idea has a convoluted definition, but more or less means that when given a circumstance one does not believe, it creates stress which one will strenuously attempt to alleviate the tension. The person will come up with a validation to the scenario, and in turn, will accept the new scenario. Previously, it was thought that if one was told do something against his/her belief, the person would have less internal conflict if the reward was high. However, a 1953 study by Kelman disproved this thought and concluded a higher reward actually correlated with a higher dissonance. Thus, Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith set off to revisit this …show more content…

Hailed as a signature piece of social psychology, this determination of cognitive dissonance helps to explain an individual's response when faced with a conflicting view. In full, their hypothesis reads, “If you believe ‘X’ but publically state ‘not X’ you will experience the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. However, if you know that the reason of rewards, or threats of punishment, then your dissonans will be reduced or eliminated. Therefore, the more you view your inconsistent behavior to be of your own choosing, the greater will be your dissonance”(Hock 184). In layman's terms, they wished to see how people act when made to stand against their own …show more content…

In a study performed headed by Harvard’s Maya Sen,the tendencies of voters is being examined. Associating with a political party can make an individual accept the policies of the prominent politician at the moment. This is especially prevalent during a presidential election when all candidates are vying to get bids of their parties. Additionally, Once a nominee is selected, all other party members shift their support to him or her. The less the voter knows of the candidate's platform, the less inner turmoil the voter will feel when switching his vote (Acharya, Blackwell, and Sen). Thus, the voter will validate a person and policies they previously did

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