
Cognitive Distortion Case Study

Decent Essays

Cognitive distortions are seen in individuals, specifically in Case Studies, that we have looked through this semester. These distortions can explain a person’s experience with a disorder with the use of frequency, intensity, and duration in criteria. The one case study that I feel as though uses the most diverse range of cognitive distortions include that of the Case of Andrea, whose disorder revolved around an Eating Disorder. The obvious distortions she displays is personalizing, minimizing, generalization, and negative predictions. First of all, personalizing. This has to do with how a person believes that what others say and do is a direct response to the individual, often an attack. Andreas’ other friends started joining other social groups, which she took as them not liking her anymore and being rejected. This could’ve been due to how her friends had new interests, but she took it as a personal response to herself, feeling that she caused her friends to join these other groups. Also, in regards to Andrea’s boyfriend, her parents did not like him, which she took as how they “just don’t want me to have any independence.” There are many other reasons why her parents …show more content…

She displays this during therapy and other occasions. One of the exercises required her to eat an amount of food during a thirty minute period, and then wait. She was only able to do the exercise once, because she felt as though she would gain weight; a negative outcome would result from doing the exercise more than once, she would immediately gain weight. Continuing, she often said that she had “abandonment by others if she gained weight.” This cognitive distortion seemed quite prevalent; she predicted that there would be a negative outcome immediately after gaining weight. The frequency of the negativity seemed to occur repeatedly and in almost all situations that were presented in her

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