
Colin Powell's 18 Leadership Principals

Decent Essays

General (USA-Ret) Colin L. Powell’s 18 Leadership Principals
During his distinguished military career, General Colin Powell exemplified what it means to be a great leader. In a briefing given to the Outreach To America Program, General Powell outlined 18 principals that all leaders should strive to encompass. After reviewing his brief, three of these principals stuck out “Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off”, “The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them” and “Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier”. These three principals resonate with my personal experiences in the military and in leadership.
The first principal, “Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off”, is something that I struggled with early in my military career. I was eager to prove myself and accomplish missions assigned to me at any cost. As my career progressed and I had soldiers assigned to me, I realized that being a “yes man” is not always the responsible choice. When the safety and welfare of others is put in to your hands you must put your own ambitions aside and consider the big picture. Specifically, in my new role as a brigade food service advisor, I need to be able to …show more content…

They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” I have encountered a few cases of toxic leadership during my career and this warning sign was present in each of those units. As a leader I make it my personal mission to create a culture in which soldier’s feel comfortable and confident enough in me as their leader to bring forth their problems. It is important as a leader to focus on the big picture but also not lose sight of soldier care. At the end of the day, you cannot accomplish the mission by yourself, soldiers are the ones who execute

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