
College At Oneonta For My Masters

Decent Essays

All of my experiences in life have lead me to apply to SUNY College at Oneonta for my Masters of Science in Education. I have many goals, both professional and academic that are related to school counseling. All throughout school I had many inspirational school counselors that molded who I am today. This set me up for success in my college career. Upon entering college, I began to appreciate the importance of planning and organization in order to build the life I wanted for myself. While completing the application process for graduate school I realized that everything I had done over the years lead to this moment. I thoroughly enjoyed applying for schools, only because I had the confidence and motivation from my many mentors and counselors surrounding me. My friends would ask for my assistance everyday during their own educational planning and I knew I wanted to make a career out of it. During these experiences, I learned the importance of discovering a meaningful life path. This is the most important aspect I will instill in the students I work with on a daily basis. I was lucky enough to have an amazing counselor at my undergraduate college. Jennifer Rooney, Director of Career Development and Engagement at St. Joseph’s College, provided me with amazing advice regarding school counseling. She motivated me to follow through with my dream and encouraged me to use my past experiences as a way to succeed in the field of School Counseling. Working with children is my

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