Elena Cisneros
Mrs. Stanley
English II
24 June 2015
College Improves Life
Did you know that the average amount of parties that a college student goes to in a year is 62? Probably not, it is not a common thing to know. I am sure that lots of people have read stories or watched movies where college kids just drink and party. Also, that they are just there to party and skip classes. That is not true though, in most cases, you go to college to learn things and to help get a job or go to a university. Going to college greatly improves an individual’s life, more so than not going to college, because it gives more job opportunities and job stability, and individual gets more knowledge, and it gives life experience that can last a life time.
College greatly improves an individual’s life because it opens up more job opportunities and can give you more job stability. “The academic and career skill credentials a college education provides often will help you stand out among job applicants and peers that might be up for the same promotion” (Dalby). Going to college makes you stand out amongst others who might have the same experience. A higher degree lets you go up higher in a company, in most cases. “No matter your career, more education will help you” (“How”). If an individual had the chance for higher education, then that individual should take the chance. Education will always help you. Like for a job, people want to employ those who are more qualified for the job. During an
Getting a college degree will always benefit you. Sometimes it may seem like it’s not worth the time, or not worth the money. But you have to think about your future, and where you want to end up. Getting a higher level of education will improve your communication skills and you will develop greater creative thinking skills along with the ability to creatively solve problems given to you. This will aid in your advantage in being able to acquire a good job that will provide you with financial security. Having the upper hand in today’s economy with the ruthless job race will leave you with the ability to impress the employer, then embedding your skills
In the article “Colleges Prepare People for Life”, Freeman A. Hrabowski III explains how college can reap the benefit for someone. I agree with “Colleges Prepare People for Life” because I personally think that college can take you far in life. College can help someone career and job wise, help prepare them for not only jobs, but also life, and is always an option for anyone with any kind of financial plan. First off, college is extremely important when it comes to getting a job. Hrabowski states “Many economists and educators point to data showing the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree.
Conclusion: Learning to become self-reliant and hard working is a huge benefit of attending college. College is a place to further your education and gain more knowledge. Getting a college degree helps graduates have a better chance to find high paying jobs and careers. College also offers many social benefits that can help students gain social skills, and offers many different networking opportunities . College does come at a financial high price, but is worth every penny considering all the benefits you gain from
There are many benefits to obtaining a college degree. Having a college degree is worth the expenses and two or more years put into getting it. A college degree can help with getting a well paying, enjoyable job in the future. Having a well paying, enjoyable job is important in one’s success. Which means that having a degree is important. If you listen to me, and go to college, then you can get your dream job, even if you have to put in a little extra time and
Source D states that “education seems to make people happier and healthier,” so it could help the college student do better in college for higher degrees for a career that earns more money. College also prepares young adults to be more mature after graduating, so they can be wiser about having a successful future. Smart choices in an adult’s career or life can be beneficial because their decisions could open up better opportunities for themselves, and their skills in life and career could be improved to become more successful. College graduates said that “their education was very useful in growing intellectually, helping them grow and mature as a person, and helping them prepare for a job or career” (Source
Going to college will benefit a person in the long run. Higher paying jobs most of the time requires for a person to have some sort of a college degree. Business needs their employees to be fully educated to work for them. An average person with a
Having a college education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person’s life. The areas that are impacted the most would be the professional and personal areas. It is important to learn the value of a college education in order to take advantage of what you learn and how to productively apply it in your personal and professional life. Having a college education is something that can always be looked at as a positive achievement that feels good and looks good on a resume. Earning a college degree
When obtaining a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher ranked skilled jobs, but studies have shown that it also leads to overall happiness and stability.
A college degree is important for a variety of reasons for both the young and the old, namely to develop or improve one’s trade skills, to experience different cultures and to increase one’s educational background in order to attain a higher paying job. For me, a college degree is important because it will help me to attain the educational background I need to make myself more marketable in the ever changing workforce. It will also provide me with the confidence and skills needed to apply for a better paying job or aid me in attaining the ever elusive promotion, if I so desire.
A college education provides people with a higher salary, a greater chance of getting a job, and a start to good life. Now let's get deeper into the positives of a college education. First, college is necessary in order to make an average salary, which is required to live peacefully. People who have a higher salary than others tend to live more easily than some. Throughout my
Besides improving credibility and increasing pay, a college degree can help you live a healthier, a more social and contributing life. Studies show that parents with a college degree are more
The past has shown time and again that one who has been well educated succeeds in life. If a person attends college limitless doors will open for him or her because one has multiple possibilities in the career field. Since one has the qualifications, particular career options will continue to provide themselves. One will most likely be paid more money because one has a large wealth of knowledge, and have been professionally trained in certain areas of expertise. Financial success, excessive knowledge, and endless career possibilities are a few basic effects of a college education. If one has been trained correctly, life will provide a great deal of optimism, and one will most likely live an additionally comfortable monetarily savvy life.
Time after time you hear about going to college; whether at work, family, friends, and even when you are in high school you might have been repeatedly told of how it can benefit you in the long run in regards to your future. They say a good education can take you far in life. Students in high school may still question the importance of a college education. In the world of today people find themselves asking, “Why is it important to go to college?” An important aspect of succeeding in today’s world is getting a better education, and it’s much more than just a degree - in college you also learn how to better prepare for assignments, perhaps one of the most important things you can get out of attending
The benefits of a college degree are not just for money, but also a college degree will also give a person more career options. A person with a college degree will have more career options than someone without a college degree because employers will see that one has a college degree and think that person knows what to do and can do the job well. Employers want the best person for the job and a college degree looks really good on a person’s resume (Ten Great…). In a survey that was casted to see what employers look for, those employers said that they wanted people that have dependability, reliability, a good attitude, the ability to read comfortably, the ability to think more consciously, computer skills, and the ability to communicate clearly whether it be spoken or in writing (Knowledge and…). Along the path of getting a college degree, one will also learn these skills and attributes.
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been questioned about your dream career, or what you want to achieve as an adult, or even now. Chances are you have, but, did you ever take the time to really think about that question and finally distinguish that you want to be an Astronaut or a Surgeon or maybe even a Scientist? Well, if you did then there’s almost no doubt that you’ll need to attend college to acquire the certain level of skills you need to become that person that you dream to be. Obtaining a college degree will almost guarantee that more and more opportunities will come knocking on your door because a college degree is a stepping stone to success and companies and businesses are very much aware of that. Success is what people are looking for and a degree verifies that you qualify to achieve great things. Oh, and did I forget to mention that that vast majority of people with a college degree make a lot more money than people with just a High School diploma or being a High School drop out for that matter. However, aside from qualifying for an immeasurable amount of career options, a College education has shown to help with communicating with others, which might not just help with job benefits, but also with relationships on another level.