
College Is An Adult, And Receiving An Education

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When the idea of college comes to mind, what does one think of? When “college’’ is said the first thought that comes to mind is four more long stressful years of school. College is not only about the sleepless nights filled with homework and studying for one of the many exams. College exposes you to new people, learning to be an adult, and receiving an education. Education sets up young adults up for a successful future, providing the skill set needed to be successful at their job or career. All the hard work of going to school is well worth it in the end when that degree is finally in hand. People should go to college because they can get better job opportunities, which will give them better financial stability in the future.
The oldest institution of higher education in the United States was founded in 1636 in the American Colonies. This later became the prestige Ivy League college, Harvard University. In 1642, Harvard had its first commencement (graduation) of nine students (Historical Facts 1). According to U.S. News Education, Harvard now has a graduation rate of eight- six percent. Harvard has one of the most top success rates which provide many opportunities for their students to be successful (U.S. News 1). Eight of our U.S. Presidents including our current president Barack Obama who attended Harvard University; they have high expectations of their students. Meaning that Harvard is extremely hard to get accepted into the University in fact, admissions rate is six

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