
College Level Writing Class Analysis

Decent Essays

A journey into something unknown can be a very nerve-racking experience. For myself, this journey was into Composition 1 this semester. Coming into a college level writing class as a junior in high school was an exciting feat for my academic career. However, I was scared for the next step I would have to take. Little did I know that through the next fourteen weeks of writing I would grow exponentially. This class helped me to experience physical growth, emotional growth, and make critical improvements for the future. This class has been a roller coaster of a journey from time to time throughout the semester. I have had my highs and then many very lows. I have always been a decent writer but this class really challenged me in my research. …show more content…

I have expanded my horizons emotionally as well. Having to become more disciplined to be successful in this class has been a life lesson for me. I have had to expand my research and submit assignments on the weekends. These assignments meant critical thinking on topics that I could learn more about. I would get upset at a grade that I earned because I didn’t put as much work in as I could have. Langston Hughes writes in his poem, Theme for English B, “So will my page be colored that I write” (Hughes 322). I interpret this as that we may have different opinions, but we have one goal as a reader. When we write we are putting out our views, as well as our emotions into the world. Challenges I have faced this semester have made me far more critical. This includes writing, reading, and thinking. With writing it is no longer and rough draft to final in ten minutes. I have to work to revise and edit my paper. I have became a more precise in reading. I must break the paragraphs apart and use context clues to find out where the author is taking me. My ability to in critical thinking as reached an all new high. I now am much better at taking apart prompts and looking for the little details that I must drive in the answer. I would not be as prepared for the future without this

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