
College Students Have Many Worries

Decent Essays

College students have many worries. They have to worry about if they pass the class or not. If the students are in sports then they have to worry more. I really worry about trying in long papers. Students that are in sports really are in a hurry to find time to do their homework. Three biggest worries that I know of are financial stress, multitasking stress and academic performance pressure. Many college students deal with financial stress. This can involve the struggle of finding money to pay for tuition as well as securing the funds to cover the cost for living while attending class. Even those students who are able to qualify for sufficient financial aid to cover immediate college cost have to cope with the financial stress of knowing that they will have to face paying back the money from following graduation. The debt that students have can be a lot of stress. College students often join activites out of school. They might be taking classes at one time students maybe trying to keep a job on the side of keeping up with school work and maybe sports. By dealing with all the activies that students are in it helps them deal with growing up and handling multiple situations. The pressure of academically keeping up with a persons grades is the primary cause of stress of all college kids. Coursework can be very demanding and the competition for earning top marks can be very fierce. Students who want to do their best and who are planning to apply for admission to graduate school

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