
College Vs High School Essay

Satisfactory Essays

You may think College is just like high school, but the truth is they are nothing alike, college is where you will build the necessary knowledge and skills that will allow you to begin to develop yourself and eventually succeed and find a successful career in an ever evolving job market. High School is where you barely dipped your feet in the water so to say, you have just begun to explore the different opportunities available to you, during your time here, the experience you gained from this establishment will quite literally shape who you will turn out to be whether it be two or even four years down the line. As you continue down this path of higher education more and more doors will unlock themselves and opportunities will spring forth. …show more content…

For the first time ever workers with a bachelor degree or post secondary education make up a larger proportion of the work force compared to those with only a high school diploma. As you work your way through the various twists and turns over the next several years it will become more apparent than ever the truth is Education is vital in this day and age, even now several years after the recession ended its effects is still with us, with the economy still missing 6 million jobs that could have been created during the recession, something to think about: you’ve already begun the first steps towards filling those missing positions you are a part of a long term pattern driven by technological advancements and growing capabilities created when you decided to come to college and start your way towards the opportunity to be much more, here we want to help develop you to become much more mature responsible and independent by giving you the tools necessary to succeed during your first year

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