
College or Univeristy Graduation Speech Essays

Decent Essays

I’ve spent weeks trying to think of what it is I’d like to share with you on this special morning… what words of wisdom I could possibly impart, what bits of knowledge I have obtained during these past five years that I could share. And after careful deliberation and consideration, I came to the conclusion that I have absolutely nothing to say. I’ve asked several people, "So, like, if you were listening to a speech, and, like, you wanted to enjoy it… what would you want to hear?" And these several people all had the same reply, "Don’t be boring." So, that was a really big help. I refuse to start out with some sort of typical, "My fellow graduates…" introduction, and I’ll be gosh-darned if I start with a quote, like, "As Shakespeare once …show more content…

I wish for the fun and challenging job with a fair and decent boss, the nice home with coordinated furniture, a spacious closet with plenty of shoes inside. I hope for a car that works, and a dog, maybe named Roger, that rides in the passenger seat and sticks his head out the window. I hope for close friends and long talks, sushi dinners and lots of laughing. I hope for evenings in the city and the sleepy car-ride home. I hope for good movies and bad movies, the ones that you can make fun of. I hope for bare feet on hot cement in the summer and soft warm blankets in the winter. I hope for bright moonlight, pepperoni pizza, falling in love, a view out my window, rice krispie treats, road trips, music, hot showers, dinner parties, picking someone up from the airport, chocolate, inside jokes, lying around on the sofa, books that you can’t put down, sleep… And these good, well-meaning people wish us a life with as little pain as possible. I hope for heartbreak. I hope for dreams not realized. I hope for driving in traffic and someone flipping you off. I hope for coming home and finding out that someone ate the leftover Chinese food you’ve been thinking about all day. I hope for deadlines and anxiety. I hope for stubbed toes. I hope for headaches, hunger, finding out that another person hates you. I hope for ordering a burger without onions and biting into a huge onion. I hope for jealousy. I hope for interrupted

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