This paper intends to provide the qualities, including examples that contribute to Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North displaying the skills and traits that contribute to his perception as a great leader. The first part of the paper will define what leadership is and how each researcher interprets the term differently. The second section will present Oliver North as a great leader. This portion of the paper will also describe the qualities that make him a great leader and what impact his leadership had on the rest of the Marine Corps.
Leadership is a term that cannot be defined or simplified with a standard definition (Bethel, 2011). The term’s complexity is a phenomenon, as it carries a different meaning for each person. During the
Leadership is defined in the textbook as someone who “get people to do things they have never done before, to do things that are not routine, and to take risks – and sometimes
The question of “What makes a leader great?” is without one solitary answer. Effective leaders in the corporate and political arenas are deserving of praise, but because of the nature of their work, military leaders are arguably more complex and intriguing.
There has been vast amounts of research done on the topic of leadership, and yet despite this it continues to be ‘‘riddled with paradoxes, inconsistencies, and contradictions’’
Leadership might be the most discussed and written about topics in our modern society. Thousands of books have covered this topic and people are often using this term correctly as well as in the right format. But what does it really mean? Strength? Power? Leadership could be as simple as holding the hand of a small child crossing the street, or as complex as signing the Declaration of Independence. A leader is not someone who cheats their way to the top, or tricks others into doing things. Being a leader is also not all about power and control. Power is not leadership because leaders don’t necessarily need any source of “power,” but instead are looked up to by their followers. The assertion of power can create feelings of fear, betrayal,
What is leadership? How does people perceive leadership in their everyday Life? Can we still today, in a world oriented more an more towards individualism and commitment to achievement of personal goals, talk about leadership?
This student has held a lifelong interest in the area of leadership. From as early as age 8, this student has been intrigued with the sense of exuberance, found in personal success and achievement and began to wonder if others could be made to feel the same sense of excitement and belief in themselves. Thus, began this student’s endeavor to helping others “become”, “believe”, “expand” and “succeed”. But, was that leadership or the expression of a trait, or perhaps it was something spiritual or maybe it was an exertion of power over my life or the life of another. To answer the question, “What does leadership mean? ”, this student has selected the article “Leadership is about What We Deliver; Shaping culture, Creating Patterns of Success.”
Over the years, a great deal of time, and research has been dedicate to the study of leadership. Even with extensive data on the topic, many still disagree on what leadership really means. Hence, leadership is a word that has many different meanings and different researched theories associated with it. On a basic level, leadership involves having and establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with followers, respecting followers, and leading an organization with excellence while ensuring that everyone is part of the team. Leadership is also a method by which a leader uses his or her influence towards getting a group of followers to take ownership or buy into a vision.
Leadership is a process of influencing activities of a particular group of people with the aim of attaining certain stipulated goals. In defining leadership there is need to consider a particular group, the common goals and the duties that are allocated to specific members of the group depending on their abilities (Fiedler 1976). Leadership therefore cannot successfully occur unless members of the group are given different considerations in terms of personality, traits and responsibilities. In considering leadership, it is important to look at the leader, the group or organization they are leading, the members as individuals and the situation; these are
Let us start by defining the term “leadership”. Is that even possible? Like art, leadership is subjective, and we can only define it when we see it. Sociologists and authors such as Rost, Burns, Bennis and Mintzberg have all argued that the actual study of leadership is flawed in that there have been numerous studies identifying it, but very few defining what it actually is. Again, we can only identify it, when we see it taking place.
Leadership has historically been a hard term to successfully define. This is because no matter what definition has been established, universally not everyone has come to an overall agreement that the definition is in fact, what leadership truly is. Although there has been disagreement over the true meaning of leadership, many have come to agree that leadership can be defined as a process. “Despite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been conceptualized, the following components can be identified as central to the phenomenon: (a) leadership is a process, (b) leadership
Leadership has been studied extensively and many varying definitions exist. Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy (2015, p.4) review many of these definitions and consequently describe leadership as ‘the process of influencing an organised group towards its goals’. Leadership involves the interplay of a range of different factors, not least the leader themselves, the followers and the situation. For
Taking a deep further look at the definition, we can consider Leadership as ‘the process of influencing an organized group’, engaging them to maximize group effectiveness, ‘towards the accomplishment of a goal’. (Hughes, Ginnet & Curphy 2015, p. 5)
Leadership is the activity of driving a gathering or an association to an arrangement of set up objectives. Presently in light of the fact that there is a pioneer doesn't mean a gathering or association is bound to be effective, however they are regularly to be characterized by the capacity of their pioneer.
If a person was to ponder about where leadership is found they would eventually conclude it is everywhere. Leadership could be argued that when God made the earth and all of its creatures that he gave us the capability to lead. We see this from Adam and Eve, Noah, Sampson, Abraham, David, Sara, Mary, Jesus and all of his disciples. Anyone can be an effective leader if they are educated on how to be one. Leaders are found everywhere in both historically and in today’s time. One can see leaders in action by simply watching the news and analyzing politics. Other examples that one can see and study in today’s times are religious organization leaders, coaches, Principals and teachers, their parents, family members, children and even military personnel. Throughout this paper we will analyze multiple definitions of leadership, my philosophy, my leadership style, how I think and react to situations.
Broadly speaking, “leadership” can be defined as a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to work towards the achievement of a common goal or vision (Lussier, 1996; Northouse, 2001; Stogdill, 1974). Moreover, Bush and Coleman (2000) note that since most of what has been written about leadership draws upon western cultural models, it should be borne in mind that leadership might well be viewed differently in different cultures.