
Colonial America Summary

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It is 1492. The waves beat the sides of the three ships, the Nina, Pinta and Sancta Maria, as did the querying voices of the people back in Europe. A month on the water had dampened the spirits of Christopher Columbus’ crew assigned to this impossible mission: to prove the earth round. Then, a voice cried out from the crow’s nest two glorious words, two words that would be a salvation to those three ships, “Land Ho!” Shouts of joy erupted on all sides as Columbus beamed with pride. Still, little did he know that he did not in fact discover a passage to India, but an entirely new world.
This discovery caused uproar back in the European countries. Over the next couple hundred years, people flocked to the new world called America. There were …show more content…

England’s first endeavor to settle the new world was Roanoke. This venture started in 1584 with Sir Walter Raleigh who was seeking to expand the British Empire and carry on the work of his brother. The most famous attempt at settlement took place in 1587, when a group of 150 colonists settled in Roanoke along the outer banks of North Carolina. Led by Capitan John White, these colonists were expected to have very limited contact with England due to the fact that England was at war with Spain and pirates patrolled the seas. Captain White returned to England in 1587 to reimburse supplies for his colony, but upon his return three years later, the colonists had vanished without a trace. While no one knew what had happened to the colonists at Roanoke, England continued its quest for …show more content…

After one long year of searching, the leader of the expedition, Jacques Cartier discovered the great inlet of the St Lawrence river. Believing this to be a passage across the continent, he sailed with his men until he reached the mountainous island Huron, which he named Mont Réal. Cartier’s attempt to found a colony there eventually failed, however, his discoveries caught the interests of French and Dutch fur traders in the surrounding territories. This led to the settlement of Quebec in 1608, and in 1611, Samuel de Champlain established a permanent settlement on Huron, officially renaming it Montreal. Thus, ultimately Cartier's search for a way through to the east set the foundation of the French empire in the

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