
Violence In The Searchers

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The film, The Searchers, in a sense, mirrors a reverse illustration of the “traditional” Western genre because the notion of good and evil is obscured, violence is exaggerated and praised, and some of the characters question the audience’s perception of the law and authority. The intentions of the white, American population to demolish the spread of Native American values and ideals is depicted in the climax of the movie; Ethan’s eagerness to go on an adventure not to rescue his niece, Debbie, but to murder her. From Ethan’s perspective “living with a comanche isn’t living” (The Searchers), because she had been ‘contaminated’ by the Indian society. Through the verbalization and actions of a majority of the characters in this movie along with the settings of this movie, the movie is depicted as a right-winged film. This film perceives the past as good, depicts men as superior to women and “distinguishes the organized use of violence and coercion by one group of people” (Pippin), against another group of people, normally minorities. After close examination, historians have observed a common pattern along with a dynamic transformation in American's perspective of the western culture and the multitude of people who populate that region. Often, Western storylines have a negative representation of Native Americans. Native Americans are often depicted as a race of savage people whose actions are often illustrated by attacking homesteaders and settlers for no valid reason.

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