
Colorism Conflict Theory

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Colorism is the prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Colorism has been one of the most prominent dividing factors amongst multitudes of ethnicities and cultures. Lighter skin has been associated with higher levels of intelligence, wealth, attractiveness, and more. As a result, those of darker complexions have undergone drastic and harmful measures in order to meet these restrictive beauty standards. Advertisements exhibit men and women with creamy white skin and silky straight hair. Companies have profited off of colorism by selling skin bleaching and hair straightening products. The damage colorism has created amongst communities physically and psychologically is deplorable. Colorism ties into the conflict theory. The conflict theory suggests that human behavior in social contexts results from conflicts between competing groups. Conflict theory focuses mainly on the negative aspects of society. Race, gender, and social class are some of the main factors that this theory focuses on. Conflict theory states that humans are in a constant state of conflict over the control of economic and social resources. Those who gain the majority of control of these resources take advantage of the power they possess. They use inequality to cause social conflict amongst the other groups in order to maintain their control. I believe colorism is a result of those who desire to maintain their

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