
Colum Mccann's Let The Great World Spin

Decent Essays

The first chapter of “Let the Great World Spin”, by Colum McCann creates a sense of reuniting. People of all different backgrounds are coming together to watch one man do the unthinkable. “Occasionally, I drop a teacup to shatter on the floor on purpose … Someday, perhaps, that cup will come together” (Hannibal, NBC). The teacup represents a society, breaking free from unity, until some extraordinary occurrence, where the teacup gathers itself back up. McCann’s use of concrete diction, as well as his frequent use of asyndeton accentuates the fragmented tone, and demonstrates how a remarkable event gathers the shards of society. McCann’s recurrent detachment of personal description and person accents the unity of the watchers and the insignificance

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