
Communication And The Digital Age

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Communication is an ever-present in the digital age. From searching the internet for fun, or for work, ads are seen, emails are sent and notifications are popping up on your smartphone and all this information is a part of the communication in the digital age (Jamar). Having good communication skills is essential as interaction with people, whether it is face to face, over the internet, or through the phone, is inevitable. However, evolving technology has resulted in a change in the way people communicate, especially in the field of politics. Thanks to technology information is now able to become widespread quickly. This high-speed information is changing the way in which political messages are conveyed.
As technology has grown and developed the ability for information to spread and people to communicate has followed suite. While technology has been able to bridge the geographical gap between most people and allowed for cultures to mix, ultimately technology has resulted in a shortening of interpersonal communication. Face-to-face conversations are becoming fewer and shorter than they once have been. As a result of shortened conversations, misunderstandings are becoming more prevalent. Often the ideas of tone and context can be lost when communication goes digital. A line of text with no context can be taken out of context. Similarly, a mistakenly all caps line can convey a tone that may not have been intended.
One aspect of communication that has been greatly affected by

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