
Communication Plan For Fortescue Metals Group

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. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This communication plan for Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) is specifically devised to support FMG in engaging with their internal stakeholders. All stakeholders take part in an important role in the corporation; however by using a strategic approach to internal communication, a proactive strategy for long-term business success with internal employees will be created. This will ensure a reinforcement of benefits, highlight key elements, and present specific issues that need to be taken into consideration. Furthermore the process of planning and measurement of the internal communication strategy will take place. Communicating effectively with stakeholders is critical to refining productivity within a corporation and generally occurs once the stakeholders understand the intended message that FMG has specifically constructed tailored to their needs, wants, facts, etc. This internal communication strategy will deliver a concentrated plan to communicate FMG’s vision; it’s mission, values, and goals and clearly communicates why stakeholders are such a huge mechanism that drives the business. Gaining understanding from FMG’s employees will be communicated most efficiently via formal two-way internal communication methods that support FMGs strategies as well as the consistent messages being conveyed externally. 1.1 The benefits The objective of this strategy is to promote and nurture a strong interaction within the corporation by creating a two-way

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