Ability to communicate with patients confidently – By constantly being around and talking to residents, patients and nurses in the retirement homes I have been able to develop great communication skills. This skill would be extremely helpful during medical training when working with real patients.
Ability to show empathy and understanding for the patients – By working alongside residents from a variety of backgrounds I was able to see from other’s perspective and showed strong empathy for any personal or cultural concerns associated with their care. This skill will allow me to form better and stronger interpersonal relationships with patients and allied health team during training.
Strong decision making skills – Working at nursing homes
What communication strengths and skills do you have that are relevant to health and social care work? Share your ideas with class colleagues and discuss ways in which the effectiveness of a person’s communication skills can influence their care practice.
The skills that I chose to work on for improving is blood pressure and transfer because they are very important skills to improve. If we are not well trained in these skills then there are more chances to hurt to patient and ourselves. For example, if we are performing the blood pressure on patient and we are not well trained to read the blood pressure correctly we can risk the patient’s life by providing wrong medicine or wrong amount of dose which can kill the patient. With the untrained or unimproved transfer skills we can hurt ours and patients’ back and muscles. These skills are very important to know as a
and problem-solve. I especially enjoyed my rotation in the mental health hospital and hope to one day specialize in this area. I work well as part of a team, communicate well, and have excellent attention to detail. I strive to offer the best customer service to patients and always ensure safe practice on the
There are many skills and abilities that nurses must possess in an everyday working environment. Among these are knowledge, consideration, and communication. I believe that every caring professional should be proficient in these skills so that he/she provides the best care possible for the patients.
I feel that my understanding, and non-judgmental manner really enable me to understand my patients needs , in addition to my excellent communication skills which help to gain a patient’s trust. I feel that communication is not limited to verbal and written but also non verbal. I feel it is important to be able to understand a patients mood and wellbeing from changes in there typical body language and facial expressions. These skills are something which i have used on a daily basis whilst working in support work and feel they would be extremely transferable to nursing. Other traits of mine include the ability to stay calm under pressure which i found comes in useful for study as well as
If I were a medical student making my rounds in a hospital, I imagine there would be a plethora of observations to make regarding interactions between healthcare providers, patients and staff members. Among scans, tests, operations, and examinations, the commotion of hospital life must generate conversation. Of the numerous skills necessary to give results, address concerns, and disperse new ideas, it is most important for a medical student to possess respect, hospitality, confidence, communication, and open-mindedness.
The knowledge facts or experience I acquired on holding people accountable, showing respect, listening in nondiscriminatory manner, showing concern, and just doing the right thing (integrity) will help me now develop my talent on every aspect of my interaction with my environment, especially in my role as a healthcare team member. My talent has impacts in the work improvement that influence, patient safety and on how to comply with other stakeholders.
Active learning through interaction with patients of all ages, cultures, personalities and severity of disease has enhanced my critical thinking skills and optimized my learning experience which will affect my ability to perform high quality patient care in all aspects of my nursing career (Waltz, Jenkins, & Han, 2014). Working in the ED and towards goals which cover a spectrum of nursing skills has allowed my personal identity as a nurse to begin to surface as I work towards my career path. The ED has exposed me to beyond what I could imagine seeing on a single unit. Flexibility and increased exposure during my nursing studies will increase my praxis, competency and ability to act as a leader in my future (Millar, 2014). If I could change anything about my experience I would be more forthcoming with my learning and face my challenges and weaknesses with a more head on approach. I enjoyed being pushed to answer questions, research interventions and pharmaceuticals, and have my assessment skills questioned and reinforced. Although I learn well through experience and reflection I have been able to incorporate written and auditory learning to further my learning experience. My learning has gone above and beyond what I expected thanks to the staff on the unit and many more learning objectives were met than I expected. I feel my experience level, comfort and ability to provide care to different ages, cultures and diseases has been a result of strong leadership and teaching from my preceptor, and members of the interprofessional
My interest in the medical profession was by no means a coincidence, I have always
I also realised self-awareness when directly involved in interpersonal relationship, this helps me to remain in touch with what I am doing, I am always cautious about my accent, pronouncing each words clearly, been from Nigeria myself. The interpersonal skill demonstrated allows me to interact with the patients, family, and with fellow health care professionals in the ward, it also reduces misunderstanding and allows the patients to feel more welcome and allows them to have a pleasant stay in hospital.
Having the empathy to care for patients, putting myself in their shoes and being able to understand their situation. To be patient when dealing with patients. For example, I have to raise my voice a little when communicating with hearing-impaired patients. I would also speak slower when dealing with elderly patients.
Despite your field of study, creating compelling work environment communication skills are basic. Communication is the most imperative piece of our life. We start to take in a portion of the aptitudes of communication before we are conceived, and the greater part of us will keep on using them until the point when the day we pass on. We speak with companions, family, work environment; we may impart by implication: we watch motion pictures, and tune in to music (Margaret Roberts, 2002, p. 362). These are all communication skills in various stages. This paper will talk about and depict how the utilization of communication is utilized as a part of scholarly work.
The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, to investigate the interpersonal communication skills that human resource (HR) managers expect managers in supervisory positions possess. Second, to identify which of these skills HR managers expect managers use to engender subordinate commitment to the organisation. Third, the paper aims to investigate what interpersonal communication skills that enhance employee commitment to the organisation are most lacking in managers in supervisory positions.
During my rotations, the rounds were limited to inquiring about pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, passage of gas and inspection of surgical wounds. The patient interaction was unfulfilling, as the patient interaction was superficial and difficult to see the patient as a whole. I did, however, enjoy all the clinic aspects of all my rotations. I enjoyed caring for both the young and old, the well and sick, new problems and chronic ones. I was able to get to know people of different backgrounds; from the homeless, to Hispanic migrant workers, to upper class suburban individuals. I enjoy approaching complex problems in a systematic manner: taking a problem apart and dividing it into organ based systems, looking for connections, and searching for the root of a problem. My strengths lie in my ability to address and incorporate a person’s cultural and emotional well-being while tackling a generalized problem and narrowing the options down to a single source.
I need to clearly explain how to take medication or give other instructions. I must be able to work in teams with other health professionals and communicate the patients’ needs. In addition, being able to control my emotional stability to cope with human suffering, emergencies, and stress would make me connect with my job better.