Developing effective communication in health and social care
LO1 Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care contexts of communication forms of communication interpersonal interaction communication and language needs and preferences
LO2 Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments theories of communication environmental factors affecting communication barriers to communication
Developing effective communication in health and social care
LO3 Understand ways to overcome barriers in a health and social care environment
LO4 Be able to communicate and interact effectively in a health and social care
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Establishing a good rapport with you, showing you respect, listening carefully and speaking clearly and in language you can understand would have contributed to the effectiveness of the interaction.
What communication strengths and skills do you have that are relevant to health and social care work? Share your ideas with class colleagues and discuss ways in which the effectiveness of a person’s communication skills can influence their care practice.
Key terms
Rapport: this occurs when two people connect and are ‘on the same wavelength’
Contexts of communication in health and social care
Your assessment criteria:
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context
Creative activity sessions provide opportunities for group interactions.
Group communication
Group communication follows slightly different ‘rules’ to communication in one-to-one situations. There is often more going on in a group, with a number of different people trying to speak, get their point across and their voice heard. Turn-taking can be more complicated; relationships and power issues between group members can also be more complex than in one-to-one contexts. As a communication context, groups can have a number of benefits for participants: • a group can be an effective way of sharing responsibilities • groups can improve decision-making and problem-solving because they draw on the knowledge and skills of a number of
Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care setting.
There are many things which can affect access to complementary therapies. The ones I will be explaining are:
P1 – Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context
Understand own responsibilities, and responsibilities of others, relting to health and safety in the work setting.
In this essay I will be analysing the communication and interpersonal interaction that took place in various sectors such one to one interaction, group interaction and how effective these skills and other elements in the health and social care setting such as the environment was being demonstrated.
P4 Explain strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.
P1- Explaining the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context.
In this assignment I will be looking at the different types of communication which are used in care settings and the factors that support and inhibit communication.
AnswersWithin my job role as a Social Work Assistant for Older People it is important to have good communication skills to develop positive relationships and share information with people using services. I also need to be able to communicate well with client’s families, carers, colleagues and other professionals. I use several different forms of communication within my job role.Interpersonal skills are those skills that enable me to interact with another person, allowing me to communicate successfully with them. Good communication skills are vital for working in Health & Social Care
Communication is simply the act of transferring and receiving information from one person to another. We communicate for a variety of reasons such as to share information, to comment, to give instructions and to share opinions. Effective communication involves a two way process in which each person tries to understand the view point of the other person. Moreover, communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood. Good communication involves the process of checking, understanding, using reflection and active listening. Effective communication is highly important for the health and social care sector. If professionals use effective communication then it could help them to focus on fulfilling the needs of service users. There are several theories of communication that can be applied to a health and social care environment.In this assignment we will explore two theories of communication in health and social care.
Communication is usually taken for granted in our every day to day living as we use it without thought. Good communication skills are needed in the workplace and especially with nursing staff to and from patients when giving first hand care. Good or bad communication can make there experience within the health care setting a positive or negative one and can leave a lasting impression. A good health care provider can use there communication skills to put a patient at ease with a few comforting words or gestures, a lack of positive communication in the health care setting could leave the patient feeling neglected, ignored and not valued as a patient.
The different reason people communicate is to show pain, anger, joy, love etc. It is important for people communicate so their views, wishes and information gets across. The communication could be formal or informal. Documentation and record keeping is important in the social care sector as this information may be used for legal reasons. All communications is confidential and are on a “need to know” basis. Communication between colleagues and other healthcare professionals is essential, as it ensures continuity of care. It also shows staff are aware of the current needs of the client.
During my placement, I also developed good communication skills. I learned how to communicate effectively with clients to enable the provision of health care. When addressing clients, I avoided the use of difficult medical terms and opted for simpler words that were easily understood by all. I also used a variety of efficient communication methods such as allowing clients to express themselves, providing sufficient time for discussion and maintaining eye contact with clients. And to those clients that did not understand English, I sought the assistance of a trusted
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care
Evaluating the strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions.