
Unit 1 Health and Social Care

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Developing effective communication in health and social care

LO1 Understand effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care contexts of communication forms of communication interpersonal interaction communication and language needs and preferences

LO2 Understand factors that influence communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care environments theories of communication environmental factors affecting communication barriers to communication


Developing effective communication in health and social care


LO3 Understand ways to overcome barriers in a health and social care environment

LO4 Be able to communicate and interact effectively in a health and social care …show more content…

Establishing a good rapport with you, showing you respect, listening carefully and speaking clearly and in language you can understand would have contributed to the effectiveness of the interaction.

What communication strengths and skills do you have that are relevant to health and social care work? Share your ideas with class colleagues and discuss ways in which the effectiveness of a person’s communication skills can influence their care practice.

Key terms
Rapport: this occurs when two people connect and are ‘on the same wavelength’


Contexts of communication in health and social care

Your assessment criteria:
P1 Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context

Creative activity sessions provide opportunities for group interactions.


Group communication

Group communication follows slightly different ‘rules’ to communication in one-to-one situations. There is often more going on in a group, with a number of different people trying to speak, get their point across and their voice heard. Turn-taking can be more complicated; relationships and power issues between group members can also be more complex than in one-to-one contexts. As a communication context, groups can have a number of benefits for participants: • a group can be an effective way of sharing responsibilities • groups can improve decision-making and problem-solving because they draw on the knowledge and skills of a number of

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