
Communication is the one key element of life that sets human beings apart from the rest of the

Decent Essays

Communication is the one key element of life that sets human beings apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. The human ability to communicate at a very refined standard has enabled us to build civilizations and to develop advanced technologies. Technology has undoubtedly advanced throughout the years and with particular groundbreaking inventions such as the Internet, smartphones and tablets our ability to effectively communicate in a formal and detailed manner has deteriorated. The means of communicating across the globe is now easily achieved with the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, with this effectiveness however comes the issue of the world, as we know it decreasing due to the rapid growth of technology. The traditional …show more content…

This could probably be ascribed to the pervasiveness of SMS text lingo among the students. However, following the wide publication of reports dating back to 2002 on the use of text language in school assignment, some sections of the public became concerned about the decline in the quality of written communication.

Another issue that has surfaced due to technological communication is that some people do not have the same access to online communication tools, such as the Internet, as others might, thus creating a ‘digital divide’. “Digital divide refers to the difference in communication technology skills within groups of people.” (John Wiley & Sons Australia, 2008) The digital divide is not a clear single gap, which separates a society into two groups. Researchers report that drawbacks can take such forms as lower-performance computers and difficulty of obtaining technical assistance. There also is a significant problem with the presented languages on the Internet, thus triggering a communication barrier for certain countries. The Internet mainly comprises of websites written in English, furthermore leaving people out of touch with society, friends and family on the Internet and information for a large percentage of the population. Even if the communication technologies are bringing nations together it is evidently leaving some communities out, causing a sense of segregation.

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