
Communication Is A Complex Aspect Of Human Life

Decent Essays

Communication is a complex aspect of human life that upon closer investigation gives one a deeper understanding of what messages individuals are truly attempting to convey. There are four different channels through which signals and cues send messages from sender to receiver and vice versa. Those channels are the following; auditory, visual, tactile, and scent channels. Three of the four channels are non-linguistic channels that demonstrate that a large portion of communication occurs through non-linguistic means. Individuals are consistently using these four channels in everyday interactions with one another. Humans’ minds and bodies have been shaped by natural selection to send a variety of verbal and non-verbal signals. A signal is intentional and has been evolved to produce a certain reaction. Signals are honest because they are linked to one’s genes. Due to the wide reach signals have in one’s everyday life a broad analysis of signals would be ineffective for this analysis. Therefore, this analysis will focus on the role signals play in courtship. One will explore a total of five different sources of empirical evidence in order to gain a deeper understanding of why individuals may have evolved to produce and react to courtship signals. One will attempt to demonstrate that individuals have evolved to produce and react to courtship signals in order to be able to determine a potential mates interest. Though courtship signals may not guarantee that one will achieve a

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