
Community College Tuition

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Free Community College Tuition for the Globalized Economy My community college tuition is already free. How is this possible? I am a Running Start student, so Washington State allows me to attend college classes at Yakima Valley College (YVC) while completing high school with no tuition cost. Even though my community college education is tuition-free, this luxury is not shared by the majority of YVC students. In his book The World Is Flat, author and New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman forewarns his readers that America is not prepared for the new, globalized economy because American students do not have the education to compete in this “flat,” or globalized, world (Friedman 308-309). To combat this, free community college tuition for …show more content…

Dr. Monica Herk, vice president of education research at the Committee for Economic Development, claims “Making community college free will reduce costs for families but increase them, probably significantly, for taxpayers.” It is no doubt that a free community college program in the Yakima Valley would be expensive. For students with a full course load of 15 quarter credits, tuition at YVC costs over $4,000 per student per year (“Yakima Valley College Tuition”). This cost can be overcome, however, as Tennessee’s community college tuition rates for a comparable course load also costs around $4,000 per student per year (“Tennessee Promise”). In 2016, The Oregonian journalist Andrew Theen reported that each year, because of federal funding through programs like the Pell Grant, Tennessee Promise (Tennessee’s free community college program) only incurs “an estimated cost to the state of $938 per head.” So, even though Tennessee’s community colleges cost $4,000 per student per year, the state only pays around 23.5 percent of the total tuition price. Assuming that each year, 2,000 students earn a 3.0 GPA or better at YVC and the cost per student per year of the program is about $938, the program would cost around $1.8 million per year. To pay for the program, I offer two solutions. Foundation President Glenn Rasmussen asserts that The Yakima Valley College Foundation (YVC …show more content…

Not only does community college help students gain the skills they never received through the public school system, but the GPA requirement of my program proposal also helps develop student ambition while cultivating students’ ability to learn how to learn in the community college environment. With so much on the line, we cannot afford to skimp on the education of Yakima’s future. To stay one step ahead of the competition elsewhere in the world, we must offer free community college tuition to the hardworking students of our Valley. Running Start students like myself should not be the only ones benefitting from free community college tuition. Open the program to others, and watch the Yakima Valley

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