
Community Ecology Lab

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Ecosystem is made up of all populations living together and the physical factors with which they interact with their environment. The ecosystem gets its energy from the only source, the sun, which make it important. The sun plays significant roles in ecosystem functioning of photosynthesis. In this lab, we will focus mostly on population and community ecology. Population ecology is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same place at the same time. Factors that affect the number of individuals living in a habitat are the population growth rate, size, birth and death rates. Community ecology focuses on the interactions between organisms as to preys and predators. These will lead to the causes that affect animals population; including …show more content…

Sargeant Reynolds. We explored and observed the different types of plants and animals in the forest that make up the ecosystem. We found a diversity of plants and animals: millipede (apheloria virginiensis), Darkling beetle, pine cone, northern pin, holly tree, and turkey tail fungus. (trametes versicolor) Records were kept of the presence and absence of different species. Not all of the species of interest were found during the observing time. The time and day that we did the observation is also the cause of the absences of certain animals.
The purpose of this lab is to analyse and explain how the ecosystem work in our community. How birth and death rates have impact on the living population. If the rate of the bug-eating bird grow larger then the population of the insects will decline. Discussion:
Food web is a network of food chains with a number of feeding connections amongst different organism of a biotic community. The food chain starts from decayed plants and animals to the micro-organisms and then to detritus feeding organism and to other predator. There are three trophic levels. Starting with producers, consumers, and decomposers. Plants such as holly leaves and pine trees are types of producer that make their own food through photosynthesis and do not depend on any other organism for nutrition. Millipedes and darkling beetles are in the next trophic level,

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