
Community Reflection

Decent Essays

Don’t you hate it when you notice somebody is in a rough patch in their lives, and the only thing you desire is to help, but don’t know how to help or if you can help? Well, there’s always a way to help an individual, but it might be difficult, at first. There are several ways to help somebody through a difficult patch in their lives, and all you need to do is talk to them. Talk to them and ask them what’s going on, and how you can help? At first, they might be oblivious about the fact that a person is trying to help them, but sooner or later, they will come around if they truly desire help. Since starting this opiate unit, I have learned a great deal about my community and the people who live in it. As a result of my work in this unit, I have paid more attention to the crisis in Scioto County, and have desired to find a way to help. Let’s start by explaining what my experience has been with this unit, so far. Since starting this unit, I have learned a great deal about the opiate crisis in Scioto County, but I never understood how the crisis affected my life. My experience with this unit has been an interesting experience. I learned a great deal about the families that live in the same county as I, and I have also learned a great deal about the friends that I attend school with. While listening to certain students talk about their families and the crisis was quite shocking to hear. As I would be listening to one of my fellow classmates talking about how the crisis has

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