
Community Reflection Report

Decent Essays

As a member of the city of Milwaukie’s Vision Action Committee, I feel my contribution to my community is substantial. Starting back in August of 2016 I began to meet with various individuals from the community, all of which wanted to see change for the better in Milwaukie. These people are men and women, old and young, lifelong Milwaukians and new residents, business owners and employees of an organization, or in my case a student. Coming from all walks of life we divested a few hours once a month to discuss and plan the future of Milwaukie. We started with a dream, a single question, what is the most ideal Milwaukie? This question, of course, is different for every person in that meeting, but that’s the point. In the beginning stages of the VAC we discussed this vision, our personal vision and eventually our collective vision. During this process we thought of four major pillars of life, those being planet, place, people, and prosperity. These pillars were our guiding principles that everything, one way or another had to come back to. Once our vision was set and our mission statement drafted we opened our work to the public by holding a town hall meeting. This town hall took place in November, nearly four months from the beginning of our endeavor. We left that meeting with great feedback and fantastic suggestions, as well as the notion that we still have a tremendous amount of work to complete. While our vision statement was liked and accepted by the masses the main

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