
Comparative Advantage Of Blassa Index

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It is important that a country specialize in the commodity in which it poses a comparatives advantage over others. In order to identify the strong sector in the economy, the actual trade flows was analyzed. This idea was later improvised and refined by Bela Balassa and gave his famous Balassa Index.
This index is commonly used in International Economics to calculate the relative advantage or disadvantage that a country poses in a certain class of goods and services. The value of the index shows the revealed comparative advantage of a country in good. The Balassa Index is fundamentally a standardized export share. Which implies that if the BI if balsa index for country A for industry j, then the index would be given as;

The RCA is equal …show more content…

Through the Balassa index it was found that the value of RCA for Indian pharmaceutical export is 2.61 which is more than 1 that signifies that India has a comparative advantage over ASEAN which has its RCA value less than one.
Hence the Balassa index showed that India posses a higher degree of advantage in export of pharmaceuticals, thus it should specialize in this sector and generate income.

Figure 3

The above figure shows the export trend of pharmaceuticals from Indian market to the world. The highest export was recorded in financial year 2015-16. Despite of the fall in subsequent year it still maintained it power in the global market. India enjoys relative advantage in this sector, which is been calculated by the Balassa index. The strength of the exports has been compared with overall export of the ASEAN. As Indian pharmaceutical sector was growing similarly the pharmaceutical sector of ASEAN was flourishing which was making it an attractive for JAPAN and United States the sales from this sector was more than 20 billion us dollar by end of the

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