
Comparative Study Between Different Heuristics And Meta Heuristic Techniques For Optimizing Essay

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Comparative study between different heuristics and meta-heuristic techniques for optimizing the time-space graph M. ElWakil1, Ahmed. M. El-Kassas1, Hassan Soltan2

1Production Engineering and Mechanical Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

2 Production Engineering and Mechanical Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

Abstract: A time-space graph is a simple method for converting a transportation network 's timetable into a valid form of network for processing network 's algorithms. Arranging network 's stations on the vertical axis of the time space graph can be modeled as a single row facility layout problem (SRFLP). The aim is to minimize the intersection of lines representing the traveling trips on the graph. This paper presents a comparative study between the performance of some heuristics and meta-heuristics techniques for solving this problem. The heuristic techniques are: greedy 2-OPT, 2-OPT and 3-OPT while the meta-heuristics techniques are five algorithms of simulated annealing extracted from the literature review. The techniques were applied to the data of the timetable for the Egyptian National Railways (ENR) network - Lower Egypt.
Keywords: SRFLP, heuristics, meta-heuristics, time-space.


Time space graph is one of the tools used to solve the time dependency of links of the transportation network. The link represents the trip has a certain time window which

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