
Compare And Contrast Augustine And Worldview

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What a man hopes for is the central tenant to his worldview. That worldview is not only the lens through which one views the world, but the expression through which the world shapes how one views the world. In a way, worldview colors what we see in the world, all the while those same things are shaping that very same worldview into something new and different. Ultimately, where our hope lies always remains central to worldview. This is especially true in our view of the physical dimension. How one views the material world and human bodies in relation to human souls and the afterlife is fundamental to one’s worldview. Plato, the Late Classical Greek philosopher, and Saint Augustine, the Catholic Bishop of the North African city of Hippo, both made their views on the material world and human bodies clear in their writings and dialogues. While Plato’s hope rested in an ethereal bodiless existence, Augustine hoped in the redemption and reconciliation of the body through Christ. Plato made the source of his hope abundantly clear in his dialogue, Phaedo, “There is good hope that on arriving where I am going, if anywhere, I shall acquire what has been our chief preoccupation in our past life” (Phaedo, 67b-c). Plato’s ultimate hope and desire was to attain real wisdom. He had a true conundrum, however: he believed that the physical world was by very nature evil. Not only that, but he believed the physical dimension to which our bodies bind us was altogether false. In fact, he

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