
Compare And Contrast Essay On Coworkers

Decent Essays

“Every time I go on deployment, I always bring my clippers because people need haircuts,” said Sharples. “I didn’t bring a lot of my supplies and equipment, but once I got to McGregor, I really saw the need to help my coworkers keep up their professional appearance.”

Sharples said that he initially resisted being a barber and it wasn’t until his father asked if he thought about cutting his sons’ hair.

“I have three boys and at first I wasn’t very open to the idea, but then I thought about what he said and realized I could save money, so I went to school to be trained and licensed,” said Sharples.

Sharples went on to explain that he graduated barber school in 2003 while living in Virginia, and after developing enough clientele, he gave haircuts …show more content…

He used the Thanksgiving Holiday to visit family and to gather his professional hair cutting supplies.

“I’ve got all professional stuff when it comes to the equipment and I try to keep up with all the supplies and skills I would use in a barbershop,” said Sharples. “I want people to walk away with a professional haircut and a great experience, so I keep everything as clean as possible. “

Sharples says a Soldier from the outgoing unit provided barber services as well, and the two men went out to the common area in Camp America and cut hair, sometimes as late as 11 p.m. Currently, Sharples says he gives 4-6 haircuts per night.

“The location is ideal because we are in a common area and people are either going to the gym, going to the movies, or going to wash laundry,” said Sharples. “Usually I start cutting hair around 1900 hours, but I try to be flexible with my hours because I do this to help take care of Soldiers.”

Sharples noted that being convenient to fellow Troopers is essential because many of them work different shifts and this affects their ability to access the official

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