
Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet True Love

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True love or not, that is the question
Many readers say that Romeo and Juliet is a classic story of true love, this is incorrect it is a classic romance but it does not hit the mark for true love. Romeo and Juliet’s love was based almost entirely on physical attraction and romantic words. Pure attraction can not create a long lasting relationship, had they spent more time together or fought a little or at least got to know each other better before killing themselves for each other, than maybe could have qualified as true love, but Shakespeare does not show us any of this making an unrealistic expectation of love. Also these young “lovers” were both in very emotional parts of their lives, Romeo heartbroken and Juliet not wanting to get married yet. Romeo and Juliet’s “love” was short to say the least. Time is the great tester; it test how true one is, how faithful, how trusting, all of these test a relationship. The two had not yet known each other for twentyfour hours when they married( Act 2 scene 2-3). By the time the couple die it is nearly impossible that they could have gotten to know one another well because they had met less than a week before this (all of play). Though Romeo and Juliet was definitely a tragedy that resulted in the death of many …show more content…

Juliet is being pushed into marrying Paris, which is why the masquerade happened(Act 1, Scene 3). Even Lord and Lady Capulet thought it rather unwise to marry someone you didn’t know at all. Romeo was mentally unstable because of his recent heartbreak over Rosaline the nun to-be. Both Romeo and Juliet meet while each are emotionally vulnerable making it easier to make rash decisions, which in other less rushed scenario may have been the product of love. These circumstances make it difficult to say that Romeo and Juliet were in love, it more suitable to claim that they simply were emotionally vulnerable young

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