
Compare And Contrast The Cold War

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In 1947 the Cold War, one of America's most dire wars began. This war was not one of weapons and on foot battles, but of a bigger threat. Nuclear fallout in a weapons war against the powerful countries the Soviet Union and the United States of America. The Cold war lasted from 1947 to 1991 threatened the american way of life for nearly 50 years. Today this deadly situation could be recreated with America but now with a new combatant the unpredictable country of North Korea. Both of these countries have atrocious nuclear capabilities and wild card leaders. Although the similarities may be true there are still many differences between the two conflicts. These situations both involve nuclear capabilities, yet the North Korea conflict has enormously more powerful weapons compared to the original Cold War. The Cold War nuclear bombs were powerful and the equivalent to detonating one was the equivalent to detonating 20 million tons of …show more content…

In these ways it is almost eerie how similar the two events are.
But the events are separated by one major thing, the leaders of the countries and their experience. When the cold war first started the leaders of the two countries in the arms race were Harry S Truman and the Soviet Union's leader Joseph Stalin two seasoned world leaders both had experience in war time situations both leaders during WWII. While the leaders in the new cold war Donald J Trump and Kim Jong Un are both relatively new world leaders and both can be considered wild cards with their actions so far.
This simple difference in the experience of the leaders could make this 21st century arms race terrifyingly dangerous due to the inexperienced leaders. This could make the war from one of threats and negotiations to one of real attacks on both sides since the leaders are not as familiar with wartime

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