
Comparing Frankenstein And Ridley Scott's Blade Runner

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Texts are looked upon and appreciated uniquely when looking through different contextual lenses. Through numerous filming and language techniques, Ridley Scott’s sci-fi film Blade Runner and Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein portray similar ideologies while presenting two completely different contexts and styles.
Scott’s Blade Runner demonstrates a world that neglects nature in order to accomplish technological and scientific advancements, which has instigated irreversible consequences on the environment. the opening panoramic shot of blazing smokestacks which, together with the haunting synthetic pulses , give the viewer a technological overload, adding further to the film’s nightmarish dystopian tones. This then portrays the notion of unrestrained economic freedom through the focus on consumerism as an insidious form of oppression. Advertising slogans are repeated throughout the film to creates a constant …show more content…

. Shelley depicts how the rigid structure of society creates monsters and that individuals are in fact not born that way. By skilfully manipulating the novel form, Shelley explores this idea through the concentric narratives. She subverts Victor Frankenstein’s narrative by allowing the creature to tell his story in his own words. The creature states that “God in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image, but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance”. This allows the reader to feel sympathy and to an extent, understand his actions. As it was only the greatness of his misery that drove him to vice and hatred. . Scott similarly depicts the distinction between monstrosity and humanity in the scene where Roy saves Deckard. Roy lets Deckard live in order to demonstrate that Roy is thinking and behaving like a human; contrasting Deckard’s killing of the other

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