
Comparing Leadership In The First Avenger And Iron Man

Decent Essays

Leadership skills are an essential element to the development of effective leaders. Some leaders have natural abilities while others are thrust into a position of leadership and develop on the way. Ultimately I believe great leadership skills are derived from values, beliefs and skills in relaying those values and beliefs to the people around them. With effort we can all develop the key elements to ultimately motivate and effectively lead any team to success. In this essay I will compare and contrast two persons with very different leaderships styles and analyze their abilities to effectively lead. Steve Rogers is the main character of the movie “The First Avenger” and is great contrast to Tony Stark of the movie “Iron Man”. Both have very different backgrounds, values and beliefs which ultimately translate to the people around them as they are both chosen to lead. This compare and contrast will also span a series of six movies in order to track the development of these characters as they mature and experience difficult challenges in the eyes of their team. The First Avenger The First Avenger takes place during WWII. Steve Rogers is a young scrawny kid who is convinced it is his duty and responsibility to fight in the war. Unfortunately, Steve suffers from a host of ailments and is …show more content…

Steve’s determination is recognized by a German scientist and defector, Dr. Abraham Erskine, who happens to be the lead on the super soldier project. After questioning Steve he quickly realizes that his intentions and heart are pure and determines that he is the perfect candidate. Steve is at most laughable in the midst of the other well physically endowed candidates yet is chosen based on his morale character after he sacrifices himself jumping on a fake grenade is tossed into the group of

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