At first glance, the two short stories "The Story of an Hour" and "The Interlopers" appear to be greatly divergent. However, taking a step back, it becomes clear that the pair have more in common than one might assume. First off, although both have entirely different settings, we can see that the authors of each story have similarly used the setting as a form of symbolism. In "The Story of an Hour" the setting is a bright spring day. Mrs. Mallard sees "tops of trees that were all aquiver with new spring life". The Story of an Hour, p. 5., representing her newly found freedom and a fresh start at life. Likewise, the author of "The Interlopers" had a similar display of symbolism, despite contradicting settings. The tale takes place in a "forest of mixed growth" The Interlopers, p. 1. during "one winter night" The Interlopers, p. 1. …show more content…
Symbolism ties together these seemingly unalike settings. In the same way, these distinct stories can be connected by their irony. "The Story of an Hour" describes Mrs. Mallard's eagerness to begin a new, independent lifestyle after learning her husband had passed away. However, the story provides an ironic twist when she discovers Mr. Mallard is alive after all. This shocking news results in Mrs. Mallard dying of "the joy that kills" The Story of an Hour, p. 1. Comparatively, "The Interlopers" also ends with a dash of irony. While the two men are trapped under the branch they see men approaching. " 'Are they your men?' asked Georg." " 'No,' said Ulrich with a laugh." " 'Who are they?' " " 'Wolves.'" The Interlopers, p. 200. Again, while the plots of the two stories are nothing alike, it's techniques like irony and symbolism that unite them, as well as one last
The time period of “The Story of an Hour” takes place in the 1800s, a time where women were dependent on men who were the majority who held jobs and made the money while women stayed at home to clean, take care of children, cooked, and other related housing duties. After slight grieving of finding out her husband has passed and going into a room by herself, the setting and mood of the story change subtly and creates a sort of at peace, free feeling. Mrs. Mallard notices “the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new
"The Story of an Hour" is the story of women live and her marriage. " Louise Mallard suffered from a heart condition, her sister Josephine gently and carefully gives her the news of her husband died. " The main character tells information that her husband is dead, and after a hard time she is overjoyed with a sense of freedom, and when she thought to open the door and leave her husband forever opens the door, and she has depression, she dies of a heart attack. " Mr.Richards, a close friend of her husband," Brently Mallard, and the first to learn of the disastrous railroad mishap that asserted Mallard life had gone with Josephine to help diminish what they know will be a savage blow. The story tells about life, and how women behaved around mid-1800's.
You might be wondering why exactly I chose to compare “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin and “The Interlopers” by Saki. Although when you first look at them both, you could hardly say they have any comparisons. After all, they’re both about completely different subjects! But when you go a bit deeper, you’ll realize that there actually are a few. The first similarity that I found was that both short stories have two main characters that are both struggling with each other.
The title of the story, “The story of the Hour” refers to the short time that elapsed between the moments at which the Mrs. Louse Mallard heard the story of the death of Brently, her husband
“The Story of an hour” and “The Interlopers” are quite different but have some similarities. They both showed expressions of heartbreak and being at the face of death. These story show a place of a internal and external conflict. Also the characters are all together tired of fighting.
The Story of an Hour and The Interlopers are irony filled stories used in literature today. The Story of an hour is about an old woman who finally feels the freedom of being independent once her husband passed away. The story The Interlopers is about two men who hated each other and later became friends. These two stories have many similarities and differences. While the two stories are different in many ways they also have many similarities.
Topic 1 The setting of The Story of the Hour and The Interlopers is very different. The Story of the Hour takes place in the city in broad daylight. On the other had The Interlopers takes place in the woods at night.
Compare and Contrast Essay Reading short stories is often enjoyable, as each individual story varies quite a bit from the others. Although short stories follow a pattern, they have many different themes. Though ‘The Story of an Hour’ by Kate Chopin and ‘The Interlopers’ by Saki seem unrelated at first glance, there are similar themes in both. The main character in ‘The Story of an Hour’ is quite fragile and has a weak heart, making her prone to heart attacks under duress, since she was “afflicted with a heart trouble” (Chopin).
One of the many differences between the two short stories are their settings. In “The Story of An Hour” the main character, Mrs. Mallard, is in her house when she receives news that her husband had died. The story is set in her house, while “The Interlopers” was set outside in the cold murky woods. However, Chopin gave
The Story of an Hour takes place in the beginning of spring, and that plays a very important role in symbolizing the renewal of life. When one thinks about Spring they imagine flowers blooming, leaves reappearing, and the animals coming out of their dens. Spring is when all the flowers, plants, and trees come back to life after staying dead in the cold and harsh winter. The winter symbolizes Mrs. Mallards life before her husband “died”. It was very cold and dull no flowers to bring out the color and joy in life. Then, when she heard the news winter was finally over and her Spring was finally starting. She began to feel like she was coming back to life. She felt as if there was an explosion of joy that had suddenly come into her
The comparison of "The Interlopers," and "Story of the Hour" is quite easy, considering the two stories only have a couple things in common. "The Interlopers," is about two men whose families hate each other and they have hated each other for centuries. the two men wonder upon each other one night and are furious that they're on each others land. In the midst of arguing lightening strikes a tree, and traps both of them under it.
‘The Story of an Hour’ starts with a troubled woman with heart problems, while ‘The Interlopers’ starts with two lifelong rivals. Ms. Mallard’s conflict takes place indoors, while the two rivals hunt around outside for each other. Yet both are unhappy with the relationships with the other main characters in the stories. Ms. Mallard, Ulrich and Georg are fighting something greater than them, their fate.
These examples are just a few instances of the many ways that The Story of an Hour and The Interlopers are alike and different. To understand all these similarities and differences, you will need to understand the stories. In The Story of an Hour, Mrs. Mallard’s husband dies in a train accident. Mrs. Mallard is devastated, and, after crying a good deal, she goes up to her room and shuts herself in. While sitting at the chair in the window, Mrs. Mallard comes to a realization.
The time period, season, location, and surroundings of a character reveal a great deal about them. Kate Chopin's "The Story of An Hour" is an excellent example of how setting affects the reader's perception of the story. There is an enormous amount of symbolism expressed through the element of setting in this short story. So well, in fact, that words are hardly necessary to descriptively tell the story of Mrs. Mallard's hour of freedom. Analyzing the setting for "The Story of An Hour" will give a more complete understanding of the story itself. There are many individual parts that, when explained and pieced together, will both justify Mrs. Mallard's attitude and actions toward her husband's death and provide a visual expression of her
We as human beings have different emotions and feelings such as happiness, sadness, depression, and anxiety. It will change often no matter how much a person tries to keep it the same. In The Story of an Hour the main characters first emotion is a feeling of being shocked. She doesn’t know what to think about the tragic news of her husband death. She stands there not accepting the heart wrenching news of her husband. She not she is not really shocked at the fact that he is dead, but she is now freed. She goes through the feeling of being almost relieved. She feels this weight come off her soul, her spirit. Then she feels guilty. She thinks she is not allowed to have these feelings of freedom, of no more stress. She is going back and forth from one feeling to another. While there is a different kind of emotion in The Interloper. In The Interloper they go through a more angered side of inner feelings. The first emotion that goes between the two main characters is bitterness. For three generations they battle over whose owns that strip of land in the woods. They go through